02 Haziran 2021

How FMEA Should Be Done

The FMEA method is a team orientation, systematic, qualitative and analytical method, with the following modules:

 Cover module; It is the first of these modules and is a summary for the FMEA applied. In addition to basic information such as the number of the relevant FMEA, customer information, part name and part numbers, the team members working in this application and the application manager (Moderator), technical information such as the publication date of the application, the renewal date and confidentiality level, if any, and the product characteristics can be defined. and updated.

 Flowchart module; It ais a module that specifies the steps to be followed from the beginning to the end of FMEA application with process numbers, process description, process characteristic and symbol that will indicate the importance and meaning of the relevant process, to facilitate the understanding of the processes that will follow each other in FMEA applications, to document complex processes.

Structural Analysis module; It is the module where the factors that can affect the error will be determined. The factors that may affect the error during production were determined as machinery, personnel, materials, special requirements, method and quality activities and these were named as Process Work Element. This information specifies the elements that should be controlled during production in order to prevent possible errors by making use of the past periods of the company.    
    Functional Analysis Module: It is the section that analyzes the effects of the factors determined in the first three stages on the factory, customer and end user. The module will include options such as materials, special requirements, method and quality activities.         
 Error Module: It is the definition of the errors that are foreseen to occur, and the determination of the severity of the effect on the factory, customer and end user. This module combines potential system failures with expected hazards using the logical diagram. The levels of possible error results reflected to the customer by severity are evaluated. The error severity corresponds to the effect and there is a linear relationship between them. Error severity is the severity of the impact of the error on the customer.        

  Risk Module: Action priority is calculated. Since the possible fault is assumed to occur during the use of the end customer, it must have passed the prescribed detection measures. For this reason, the probability value related to the detection is defined as the probability that the cause or form of the error that is assumed to occur can reach the customer. The possibility of detecting the product or service during the formation process before it reaches the end user is reflected by the scoring system.       

   Optimization: It is of great importance for the implementation of corrective measures, it is determined whether action is necessary according to the action priority. If action is required, action priority is determined with new detection values.